Apex garage door spares cones cables for apex ascot apex filuma apex berry apex georgian doors.
Apex garage doors bolton.
Apex bolton gate garage door lock an earlier garage door lock handle to fit pre 1998 apex and earlier bolton berry and bolton georgian type doors.
From roller to sectional styles here at apex garage doors we provide a range of quality doors security shutters and automation systems for homes and businesses throughout somerset.
Apex continued to manufacture and distribute the original bolton range under the new brand.
During the late 1980 s the bolton name was dropped and the full product range was marketed under the apex brand name.
70mm spindle length can be cut to length to match your old lock.
We supply and install doors from leading.
Richards wilcox doors are the best you can buy.
If you want to improve the exterior of your home unit or workshop then we have the best options for you to choose from.
Apex is the exclusive distributor of richards wilcox premium garage doors in the maritime provinces.
Apex garage doors were manufactured up until 1998 by the original apex company based in horwich near bolton lancashire and produced a basic range of products under the bolton brand which reflected its former ownership by the bolton gate company.
38mm distance between spigot screw hole centres.
When replacing garage springs it is recommended to replace both springs at the same time to ensure the spring tension and door remain balanced apex garage door spring used on the original retractable apex bolton bl6 garage doors used on most apex single car width retractable doors upto arou.
Apex garage doors were manufactured up until 1998 by the original apex company based in horwich near bolton lancashire and produced a basic range of products under the bolton brand which reflected its former ownership by the bolton gate company.
Apex garage doors were manufactured up until 1998 by the original apex company based in horwich near bolton lancashire and produced a basic range of products under the bolton brand which reflected its former ownership by the bolton gate company.
This included the apex berry and apex georgian retractable garage doors and the.
Includes 2 keys 2 nuts bolts and washers.
During the late 1980 s the bolton name was dropped and the full product range was marketed under the apex brand name.
Apex garage doors were manufactured up until 1998 and originally formed part of the bolton gate company.
Apex garage doors were manufactured up until 1998 and originally formed part of the bolton gate company.