Een mudstone stone laminated tone mudstone d d stone trix d b reccia red e 5.
A playa lake usuallycontains laminated mudstone.
A laminated siltstone and mudstone.
Upper regressive lake margin playa lake and mudflat deposits are light to dark gray silty mudstone to argillitic siltstone or very fine grained sandstone mostly thick bedded to massive with desiccation cracks intraformational breccias faint wavy laminations burrows euhedral pyrite grains and dolomite or calcite specks.
In central pangea the depositional setting of the mid to late triassic mercia mudstone group in the wessex basin sw england uk was marked by playa lake deposits with red beds and local.
Playa lake depositional environment modern hardie et al.
Skeletal and oolitic grindstone cross bedding and ripple marks.
The facies is divided into two subfacies that are gradational.
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Fine grained well sorted mudstone to packstone.
Ripple and horizontally laminated mudstone clayey siltstone and very fine to fine grained sandstone in beds 0 1 to 0 5 m thick.
Upper regressive lake margin playa lake and mudflat deposits are light to dark gray silty mudstone to argillitic siltstone or very fine grained sandstone mostly thick bedded to massive with desiccation cracks intraformational breccias faint wavy laminations burrows euhedral pyrite grains and dolomite or calcite specks.
B current rippled cross laminated very.
Alluvial fan glacier lake lacustrine meandering stream fluvial desert eolian playa.
B current rippled cross.
Sedimentary successions are interpreted as having accumulated in a playa lake complex.
A moderately diverse arthropod icnofauna occurs in permian ephemeral lacustrine deposits of the paganzo basin that crop out at bordo atravesado cuesta de miranda western argentina.
Red and green well laminated mudstone with very thin cm fine to medium grained sandstone layers.
Mudcracks starved ripples are common.
Deposition in distal terminal splay and shallow ephemeral playa lakes.
Deposits include three sedimentary facies.
A laminated siltstone and mudstone.
Rare bioturbation palaeosols.
Deposits include three sedimentary facies.
Sedimentary successions are interpreted as having accumulated in a playa lake complex.
The playa lake depositional model for the three forks formation beatriz garcia fresca.